President Barack H. Obama History & Hope



On Tuesday, January 20th, 2009 at 12:05pm EST Barack Obama became the 44th President of the United States of America and the 1st African American President ever! Catch the Event City coverage at our Event City Creative Magazine.

All of us at the Event City Network, Event City Emporium and the Internet Organization are looking forward to the new administration of President Obama.

We are so thrilled to be able to live to see the dream of Martin Luther King come to pass. To see the Millions on site who witnessed this historic event. To listen to his eloquent but tough speech to the country and to the world, and to realize how he and his Cabinet will be rolling up their sleeves as soon as first thing tomorrow morning to get to the job at hand – CHANGE.

We will be there right along side our new President to do whatever we can do to help with our dream for Hope and the challenge of Change.

Nolan Apostle, Contributing Editor
Event City Creative Magazine/Event City BlogaZine